Friday, August 1, 2008

Country Kitchen Garden is our blogspot name

"Country Kitchen Garden"
is located in Sassafras, southern NSW, Australia

This is where we have our 100 acre Business site.
We hope to share our products with you.
Visit our other site re sustainability and Climate change
Our Portfolio of Products include Unique ARTPhotos which can be used
as Motivational Posters or E Cards, recipes, cooking classes online and remedies etc.
Purchase a tree and help balance your carbon use.
We plant a native tree, from seed, in your name and the oxygen
that tree emits helps to heal the planet. For Just $35.00, you can help to balance your emissions.
We use have a carbon footprint but htat needs to be reduced. for how to measure and then reduce that footprint go to and click on

This site teaches you about your carbon footprint, you might like to use some of this information for a school project..You may be able to have this as a tax deduction as the climate reduction laws change in the future

Remember, From little seeds, big trees grow! It really is Amazing! Free photo supplied
The original ARTPhotos from our site include rare images of the area when it was devastated by Bush fires.
One Photo shows tree rings of a felled tree with several burn rings, clearly indicating that fire has ravaged this area many times,YET the bush regenerates.
Life not only continues but the fires are essential for some of the flora to set and release their seed.
One of the secrets of the Australian Bush is its dependence of Fire!

Many of the Unique plants NEED the heat of the fire to release their seeds.
Our Art Photos and paintings include native animals and birds of this area,
native seeds and descriptions of Bush foods.

We will also be listing our Sassafras secret recipes and other items of interest.
go to fo rother information
Visit our albums, our Money making links page and be ready for our other products from Australia.
Our products are modestly priced and you can order simply by sending us an email
with a copy of the description of the product.
Make sure you COPY and PASTE this email address into your address book.
Admin at

It may not be linked yet! If you decide to offset by buying a tree, We will send you an email with the invoice and PayPal Button attached.
Your tree can be housed in an underdevoped country and will help supply food.

Simply review and press Pay and you will be taken to Pay Pal. It is so EASY!
You can also write to me personally at (copy and paste)
and don't forget to go to our links
Learn how to be sustainable at 60 pages of free info!
Permaculturevisions teaches practical ways to grow your own food and reduce climate change

We donate to go there and help others to see!
kind regards to all.